Get Involved! Donate & Volunteer!
Start Now! Pre-sale Fundraisers We challenge churches and families to get involved. Raise funds to cover sale expenses so that donations at the sale can go directly to MCC projects. Hold a garage sale, fundraising meal, silent auction. Be creative. Send donations to MCCSK designated Relief Sale Expense Fund. My Coins Count - Special for Kids, Families and Churches Click here for more information about this fun event. Pedal for Peace Bike-a-thon Click here for this great way to raise funds and stay active! Donate Donate to the live auction, silent auction, artisan booth, plant market and craft market. Click here for more information on donations to these pre-sale areas. The week before the sale: Donate Food to the Bake Table and Food Booths. Click here for more information. At the Sale: Volunteer - Set up and tear down. Set up begins on Friday, June 12th at 9:00am at Prairieland Park Hall E. Tear down occurs Saturday at 3:00pm, immediately after the close of the sale. Contact Jim for more information. - Help serve meals, clear tables, monitor composting stations, replace garbage and compost bags. Volunteers required on Friday 4:30 to 9:00pm, and Saturday 7:00am to 3:00pm. Contact Jim, Peter or Renata for more information. - Sell meal tickets. Volunteers required Friday 4:00pm to 8:00pm and Saturday 7:00am to 1:30pm. Contact Val for more information. - Be a host. Welcome visitors, answer questions. Friday 4:00pm to 9:00pm, Saturday 7:30am to 3:00pm. Contact Peter or Renata for more information. - Help supervise children as they enjoy activities at Kids’ Peace (Saturday 9:00am to 12:30pm). Contact Renata for more information. |